Bulletin (Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology). - Washington : Smithsonian Institute, Bureau of American Ethnology, 1901-1956. - v. : il.

El número de serie se tomó como volumen.

Contenido: Kathlamet texts / Tsimshian texts / Handbook of american indians north of Mexico / Handbook of american indian languages / Indian tribes of the lower Mississippi Valley and adjacent coast of the gulf of Mexico / Indian languages of Mexico and Central America : and their geographical distribution / A dictionary of the biloxi and ofo languages : accompanied with thirty-one biloxi texts and numerous biloxi phrases / Antiquities of the mesa verde National Park : cliff palace / Early man in South America / Handbook of aboriginal american antiquities / The maya indians of southern Yucatan and northern british Honduras / Alsea texts and myths / A structural and lexical comparison of the Tunica, Chitimacha, and Atakapa languages / Excavation of a site at Santiago Ahuitzotla, D.F. Mexico / Handbook of the Indians of California / Vocabulary of the Kiowa language / Chippewa customs / Notes on the Buffalo-head dance of the thunder gens of the fox indians / Myths and tales of the southeastern indians / Additional studies of the arts, graftys, and customs of the Guiana indians / Contributions to Fox ethnology II / Early pueblo ruins in the Piedra district southwestern Colorado / The Kamia of imperial valley / Tales of the Cochiti indians / The ruins at Kiatuthlanna eastern Arizona / War ceemony and peace ceremony of the Osage indians / Source material for the social and ceremonial life of the Choctaw indians /
A survey of prehistoric sites in the region of Flagstaff, Arizona /
Notes on the Fox Wapanowiweni /
Ethnographical survey of the Miskito and Sumu indians of Honduras and Nicaragua /
Karuk indian myths /
A dictionary of the Atakapa language /
A dictionary of the Osage language /
The village of the great kivas on the Zuñi reservation New Mexico /
An introduction to Pawnee archeology /
The tryville mounds Catahoula Parish, LA /
Fox miscellany /
Journal of Rudolph Friederich Kurz /
Ancient caves of the great salt lake region /
Historical and ethnoggraphical material on the Jivaro indians / An archaeological survey of the Norris basin in eastern Tennessee / Basin-Plateau aboriginal sociopolitical groups / Archeological remains in the whitewater distric eastern Arizona / An archaeological survey of Wheeler basin on the Tennessee river in northern Alabama / Ethnography of the Fox indians / Arcgeological remains in the white water district eastern Arizona / Linguistic material from the tribes of southern Texas and northeastern Mexico / Anthropological papers -- An archeological survey of Pickwick basin in the adjacent portions of the states of Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee / Archeological investigations at buena vista lake Kern county, California / Peachtree mound and village site, Cherokee county, North Carolina / Source material on the history and ethnology of the Caddo indians / Anthropological papers : numbers 19-26 -- The native tribes of eastern Bolivia and Western Matto Grasso / Origin myth of Acoma and other records / Anthropological papers : numbers 27-32 --- The indians of the Southeastern United States / Stone monuments of Southern Mexico / An introduction to the ceramics of tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mexico / Ceramic sequences at Tres Zapotes, Veracruz, Mexico / Ceramic stratigraphy at Cerro de las Mesas Veracruz, Mexico / The contemporary culture of the Cáhita Indians / Handbook of South American Indians : t.1. The marginal tribes -- t.2. The Andean civilizations -- t.3. The tropical forest tribes -- t.4. The circum-Caribbean tribes -- t.5. The comparative ethnology of South American Indians -- t.6. Physical anthropology, linguistics.and cultural geography of South American Indians The northern and central Nootkan tribes / The indian tribes of North América / Chippewa child life and its cultural background / Journal of an expedition to the Mauvaises Terres and the Upper Missouri in 1850 / Arapaho child life and its cultural background / Sympósium on local diversity in Iroquois culture / The modal personality structure of the Tuscarora indians / Anthropological papers : numbers 33-42 -- Index to schoolcraft´s Indian Tribes of the United States / La venta, Tabasco a study of Olmec ceramics and art / River basin surveys papers : numbers 1-6 -- Prehistoric settlement patterns in the Virú Valley, Perú / The iroquois eagle dance an offshoot of the calumet dance / Anthropological papers : numbers 43-48 -- River basin surveys papers -- The horse in Blackfoot Indian culture / A ceramic study of Virginia archeology / Guaymi grammar and dictionary with some ethnological notes / The díné: origin myths of the Navaho Indians / Franz Boas -- Franz Boas -- Frederick Webb Hodge -- Franz Boas -- John R. Swanton -- Cyrus Thomas -- James Owen Dorsey -- Jesse Walter Fewkes -- Aleš Hrdlička -- W. H. Holmes -- Thomas W. F. Gann -- Leo J. Frachtenberg -- John R. Swanton -- Alfred M. Tozzer -- A. L. Kroeber -- John P. Harrington -- Frances Densmore -- Truman Michelson -- John R. Swanton -- Walter E. Roth -- Truman Michelson -- Frank H. H. Roberts, Jr. -- E. W. Gifford -- Ruth Benedict -- Frank H. H. Roberts, Jr. -- Francis la Flesche -- John R. Swanton --
Harold S. Colton --
Truman Michelson --
Eduard Conzemius --
John P. Harrington
Albert S. Gatschet, John R. Sawanton --
Francis la Flesche --
Frank H. H. Roberts, Jr. --
Waldo Rudolph Wedel --
Winslow M. Walker --
Truman Michelson --
J. N. B. Hewitt --
Julian H. Steward
M. W. Stirling -- William S. Webb -- Julian H. Steward -- Frank H. H. Roberts, Jr. -- William S. Webb -- William Jones -- Frank H. H. Roberts, Jr. John R. Swanton -- William S. Webb, David L. Dejarnette -- Waldo R. Wedel -- Frank M. Setzler -- John R. Swanton -- Alfred Métraux -- Mattew W. Stirling -- John R. Swanton -- Mattew W. Stirling -- C. W. Weiant -- Philip Drucker -- Philip Drucker -- Ralph L. Beals -- Julian H. Steward -- Philip Drucker -- John R. Swanton -- Sister M. Inez Hilger -- Thaddeus A. Culbertson -- Sister M. Inez Hilger -- William N. Fenton -- Anthony F. C. Wallace -- Frances S. Nichols -- Philip Drucker -- Gordon R. Willey -- William N. Fenton -- John C. Ewers -- Clifford Evans -- Ephraim S. Alphonse -- Aileen O'bryan. v.26. v.27. v.30. v.40. v.43. v.44. v.47. v.51. v.52. v.60. v.64. v.67. v.68. v.74. v.78. v.84. v.86. v.87. v.88. v.91. v.95. v.96. v.97. v.98. v.100. v.101. v.103.
v.117. v.118. v.120. v.121. v.122. v.125. v.126. v.127. v.128. v.129. v.130. v.131. v.132. v.133. v.134. v.135. v.136. v137. v.138. v.139. v.140. v.141. v.142. v.143. v.144. v.145. v.146. v.147. v.148. v.149. v.150. v.151. v.152. v.153. v.154. v.155. v.156. v.157. v.158. v.159. v.160. v.162. v.163.

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