Lessa, William A.

Reader in comparative religion : an anthropological approach. - Illinois : Row, Peterson, 1958. - xiii, 598 p. : Ils. ; 25 cm.

1. The origin and development of religion --
Animism / Tylor --
Totem and taboo: an ethnologic psychoanalysis ; Totem and taboo in retrospect / Kroeber --
The elementary forms of the religious life / Durkheim --
2. The function of religion in human society --
The role of magic and religion / Malinowski --
Taboo / Radcliffe-Brown --
Anxiety and ritual: the theories of Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown / Homans --
Religious perspectives in sociology and social psychology / Parsons --
Myths and rituals: a general theory / Kluckhohn --
Religion as a cultural system / Geertz --
3. The interpretation of symbolism --
On key symbols / Ortner --
Social hair / Hallpike --
The deer-maize-peyote symbol complex among the Huichol Indians of Mexico / Myerhoff --
The Virgin of Guadalupe: a Mexican national symbol / Wolf. Temporal and spatial equivalents in Chamula ritual symbolism / Gossen --
Man the hunter and woman: metaphors for the sexes in Ilongot magical spells / Rosaldo and Atkinson --
The bear and the barber / Levi-Strauss --
The abominations of Leviticus / Douglas --
Anthropological aspects of language: animal categories and verbal abuse / Leach --
4. The analysis of myth --
The apotheosis of Marespa / Lessa --
Earth-diver: creation of the Mythopoeic male / Dundes --
The structural study of myth / Levi-Strauss --
The head and the loins: Levi-Strauss and beyond / Willis --
Chamula genres of verbal behavior / Gossen --
5. The symbolic analysis of ritual --
Two essays concerning the symbolic representation of time ; Ritualization in man in relation to conceptual and social development / Leach --
Betwixt and between: the liminal period in rites de passage / Turner --
Ritual man in Africa / Horton. Ritual, sanctity, and cybernetics / Rappaport --
Metaphors of hierarchy in a Mayan ritual / Rosaldo --
Levi-Strauss among the Maya / Vogt and Vogt --
The vision quest among the North American Indians / Lowie --
The Zuni Shalako ceremony / Wilson --
The Peyote Way / Slotkin --
6. The purposes of shamanism --
Shamanistic performance in the inner room / Bogoras --
A shaman's journey to the Sea Spirit / Rasmussen --
Percussion and transition / Needham --
The effectiveness of symbols --
Aspects of cognition in Zinacanteco shamans: experimental results / Shweder --
7. Interpretations of magic, witchcraft, and divination --
A fresh approach to the problem of magic and religion / Titiev --
Sympathetic magic / Frazer --
The form and meaning of magical acts: a point of view / Tambiah --
Witchcraft explains unfortunate events / Evans-Pritchard --
"Voodoo" death / Cannon --
Divination as a phase in a social process --
Divination --
a new perspective / Moore. 8. The meaning of ghosts and ancestor worship --
An interpretation of ambivalence of two American Indian tribes / Opler --
Ancestors as elders in Africa --
further thoughts / Brain --
Ritual aspects of Chinese kinship / Freedman --
The nature of Katcinas / Bunzel --
9. Dynamics in religion --
Nativistic movements / Linton --
Revitalization movements / Wallace --
The Navaho Indians and the Ghost Dance of 1890 / Hill --
Big men and cargo cults / Cochrane --
Millenarianism / Hobsbawm --
"Internal conversion" in contemporary Bali / Geertz.

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Texto en inglés.

Religión y mitología--Ensayos.

WJ291 / L638r